Thursday, May 24, 2007

of personal tolerance

i have talked about how intolerance if growing at macro level for Indian society ... but then each society is made up of people.... so it doe simply that intolerance is also increasing at individual level ....
people are becoming more n more assertive n aggressive .... the time when one used to think twice before uttering words is long gone .. today its all shoot from the heart concept .. some may argue that it is good that no one hides his/her feelings but brings it out in the open .. but for me things are quite a bit different ...

i always believe that every1 has a strong reason to react the way they do ... a person steals for hunger/ need, even kleptomaniacs have urge to do something exciting or own something better or sheer hormonal imbalance that causes them to lift others valuables... the issue is how reasonable we find other person's reasons ....
For Britishers, Indian revolutionaries were terrorists coz they didn’t find the blood shed as reasonable whereas for India, it was quite reasonable ....

All these examples are quite heavy stuff aint it but the fact remains that the moment u place urself in other persons shoes, things become better , at least the gravity of the situation reduces.. ur anger subsides ... works many times for me ...

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