Monday, May 21, 2007

of being an Indian

last few weeks have been very disturbing for me in terms of the happenings in our country ... read this
1. Reservation politics is at its peak
2. Delhi PM says Biharis should not be coming to Delhi
3. Karnataka bans Women working in night shifts, says Kannadigans hould get preference in IT sector
4. Non Marathi students taking Western Railway exams are beaten up
5. fight between SGPC & Dera groups
6. hue & cry over hindu gal marrying Muslim Guy
7. Pandit performs cleansing at temple post visit of child of hindu male & muslim female (ofcourse this was cited coz the Hindu male was a minister ..)
and the list goes on ...

All these indicate just one major factor.. the social Intolerance brewing in india... at one side the world is becoming one global village with free movement of people across nations (atleast thats the idea)and on other side we are dividing ourselves on basis of region, religion, sex, caste, color, creed etc etc

Yes the politicains are to be blamed for the divide & rule policies but then why are we being lead by them??? every one just shrugs off their shoulder by saying "i am not one of them" but then contributes equally to the cause ...

Here is my two pence on how each one of us is breeding this menace ...
As soon as a baby is born, he or she is given a name.. a name that is a hramless entity but also a surname that divides him/her from other...
The child is knowingly or unknowingly fed that he is different from others in terms of his religion, caste, region etc etc .. i mean look at this .. every child would know that he/she is a Hindu brhamin, not only that but he /she is a koknasth or deshaj or some brahmin, marathi speaking from the Vidarbha or Marathwada region ... or a shia muslim from UP..this would just put in seeds of discrimination in him / her,
No where does a parent instills that the child is an Indian .. the primary fact that will seed tolerance in a child ... Why do we need to tell a child what his region, religion, caste etc is .. if today we refarin from passing this information to next generation probably in 15-20 yeras we will have greater social tolerance ...

Why cant we get away with surnames or have a common surname like 'bharti' or something ..
that will be practically impossible ...isnt it .. to distinguish 1 billion + people on the basis of first name alone....
so heres the idea.. do away with names.. just let every indian have a number .. a 10 or 15 digit number that will be his/her name, ID, social security number, phone number, PAN number, ration card number, Voter Id number... any damn number needed for identification. You punch in your number and all your details are available through the system ... It will require a single databse , will be easy to maintain and will remove the primary source of intolerance .... No classification needed except the fact that you are an Indian with a number tagged to you .. the idea is nascent but cn de devloped for refinement.
It will be a bit distastefull but imagine an India with everyone living in harmony ..

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