Sunday, May 10, 2009

of the gap in generation

generation gap was once the most talked about topic ... during the mid 90's we were the young guns , the teenagers , who were always telling their elders how the new generation is different ... we always believed we had the 'X' factor and somehow the elders would never understand our feelings, our issues, our pains.

Now the tables have turned on us ..... not even touching 30 and we find ourselves alienated from the new age super kids .... we just cant understand how these kids can spend so much money? Its very tough on me to see young girls wearing micro mini skirts for school uniform. Similarly young boys wearing ultra low waist almost fallen off trousers to school make me wonder how old am i? I just cant keep myself abreast of the countless gizmos and their specification which is gossip for these kids.

i dont count myself as a yuppie ..... but then i am someone who takes his parents to mall and urges them to buy branded clothes and enjoy Baskin Robins ....
Seeing people spending lavishly reminds me of the times when our pocket money was rs 5 a week, of times when One rupee was so important ... when cadbury bar was sign of good time and celebration ....
On the otherhand seeing slums on side of the road makes me wanr to spend and enjoy my life. I want my parents, my wife , my family to enjoy the luxuries the life has to offer and i can spend all my svaings for the same......

I guess somewhere i am confused .... i am stuck in between the two generations ..... in short time i have seen both sides of the coin .....