Thursday, December 6, 2007

long long hiatus

sometimes u just want to write so much, theres so much to talk about, so much to speak about but words are always amiss....

its so tuff to write what u feel .............................................

Thursday, October 25, 2007

of long long breaks.........

If 20 days was a long break this one is a very very long break .... anyways guys and gals ...please look at the post "of being and indian"

Now after you have read the post , recall the new advertisement for "idea " where Mr abhishsek bacchan suggests that each one of us should be known by our mobile numbers and there shall be no caste based fights............

see and connection ..... my "idea" is picking up :)

hail the power of blogging

ps: i know there might not be any link between the two, but kehne mai kya harz hai :)

TDLY: dad moved to bahrain, mom with me and we making plans for Diwali :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

of cricket authorities


This one has to start with a smile ....... for once something great happening in indian cricket .. no its not india winning matches or a great player in making but is something even more meaning full.... its the fight ... the fight for right to play cricket in India..... BCCI with its monopolistic attitude has always played around with cricket ... it has filled its bank accounts with filthy sum of money and also made its administrators super rich .... Meanwhile it has always jerked away all the responsibility and accountability in name of autonomous body ....

Meanwhile ICL backed by Subhash Chnadras big moolah has entred the arena , is giving the players huge sums of money .... and promising a profesisonally run game..... the fight will be intersesting coz BCCI is now caught in its own web of declaring itself a autonomous, private body ... so now it can no longer deny ICL privileges of using its grounds, players and who knows may be ICL sends a team india to future international tournaments :)

TDLY : back to gurgaon after 5 days at home .......

Monday, August 27, 2007

of long break.........

back after a long long time.......
things that happened meanwhile.....

my happy wala bdday ......
veenu came here and now she has joined Infosys....
Had a day long outing with lalit, anu neha and veenu
program for bahrain visit finalised
some work started at office

so now me back to meetings :)

TDLY: hmmmm dads bahrain plan finalised

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

of "one of ours"

"one of ours"
This is by far the most favourite line in vouge now .... Be it the bollywod organising events and giving interviews left right and centre to support release of Sanjay Dutt or be it the kawariyas protesting the deaths by accident ...

All are aghast by the fact that one of their community has met with some injustice or accident or whatever .... what they fail to understand that somewhere the so called victim may also be at fault ...
Dutt for sure is guilty of carrying illegal weapon and the two kawariyas may have been at fault of walking on a national highway at night ...

(The highways are for trucks and vehicles , not for foot passengers .. no matter how holy their pilgrimage may be)

So why is their so called community agitated.. why do they stand up in arms for their brothers even when they know no one is at fault ...
Why dont they consider the point of view of other parties involved... why their brother takes precedence over the country???

It all again bils down to the fact that intolerence is growing in the society... everyone talks of rights but forgets the duties... the mindset is divided into groups

TDLY: dad decides to go to Bahrain .. so the planning starts

Thursday, July 26, 2007

of Harry Potter - 7 , the Book

Thanks to the great response to my revie wof Harry potter Movie -5, i am inspired to write this review of Potter 7 the book.... am not a literary great or a wizard with words , but what qualifies me for this is the fact that i have read a book and have an opinion about it ..... And this is my blog so i publish my opinion here ....

To start of Harry potter does not dies in the book, nor does Dumbldore comes back to life .......... this might be the most publicly known secret by now .... Ok now back to the book.... It starts where Book 6 left off, that is the war .... lots of swish swoosh of wands, black magic, counter curses, deaths etc etc .... But the biggest difference is the fact that there is no Dumbledore to direct harry to sucess or to protect him .. but the boy wizard who has come of age continues on his mission of finding Horocruxes .... He has his loyal friends Hermoine, Weasleys, Order , Dumbledore's army etc by his side ...

The twists and turns and side kicks in the book are a plenty but the book does well in not deviating from the main chase....

All potter fans will be delighted for the fact that he fights well, thinks well and most of all keeps his head firmly on his shoulders .... His emotions are well drawn out at every stage and the books grips the reader almost through out ... there are very few places where the pace slackens .....

All the twists, side plots , emotions culminate where it all began the HOGWARTS.... after a fiery battle the good triumphs over the evil and Harry is victorious ....A fitting finale to the grand tale .... ofcourse itis not without its own twist and turns ...

Deaths are a plenty but one can argue that no one of real consequence dies :)......

So all those who dont know what to do this weekend and have read book 6 , can pick up the book 7 and for sure they will finish it over the weekend ..... And those who have not read Book 6 .... grab that first

TDLY- Sitting at home :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

of Dr A P J Abdul Kalam

Today is the last day in office for the man who showed a country of Billion people how to dream...the father of modern india ...the father of Nuclear india ...a country that has reached moon, is capable of launching satellites on its own, a country that has the might to ask for a permanent seat in UN security council.... all due to the leadership of this one great scholar, scientist and visionary....

Every time i heard him or saw him speak, my heart was filled with joy and pride that my country is represented by a man of great abilities, a man who rose from humble background to reach the President's house.....

watching Indian president shall never be the same again as now on the president shall not be someone who is respected world wide or has the thought process that resembles billion of his country men.... Dr kalam was a strong leader who did not play into the hands of ruling party bu actually went by his instincts and work ethics....

Its sorry to see him leave without a worthy Sucessor....

My Salutes Dr Kalam....

TDLY : Ah... nothing much just making plans to go home ..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

of North South divide ....

This only happens in India ....
the country is so vast that when people travel from one part of the country to another they are in for the shock of their life .... People who live in north just cant adjust down south and vice versa.. ofocurse there are many exceptions too where in people have lived happily in both parts , me being one of them.....

The key lies in not comparing the two but in ejoying the differences... its true that roti sabji is very costly down south but then idlis and dosas arnt cheap in delhi either .... As they say "when in rome do as the romans do " so when down south eat curd rice, dosas, idlis .... and if you carve for rotis then eat Andhra food which is awesome .....

things like weather, culture, language etc are all peculiar to a region and no one can control them so no point in cribbing about them ......

The bottom line is Enjoy ..... After all Mc'D .. dominos etc are there anywhere and everywhere :)

TDLY : Its all about having fun at gurgaon .....

Monday, July 16, 2007

of harry potter movie -5

Harry Potter has grown up !!!!
This was the message that the 5th movie (Harry potter and the order of phoenix) had.
So all those who go the movie please do not expect cute potter, funny magic tricks, Quidditch games, Potter's spat with Malfoy and professors etc etc that make these movies so adorably cuteee......

So what to expect?? A barrage of emotions like anger, frustation, confused thoughts, helplessness etc.... Along with it some dark magic, answers to many questions and ofcourse few other questions ...

Essentially it deals with the divison of the magical world into two groups- the one led by Harry and Dubledore that tries to warn every1 that Voldemort is back and the other one led by the Minister of Magic and his adrent follower Umbridge who try to ignore the fact that anything has happened and potray Harry and Dumbledore as cukoos....
In am attempt to gain supremacy the later group interferes with Hogwards in form of Umbridge as the Professor, then a High Inquisitor and ultimately the Headmistress...

In the mean time there is struggle between Dumbledore's Order of Phoenix and Voldemort's death eaters for a prophecy which will make Voldemort understand what went wrong last time he attacked harry....

So is it better than previous movies? Definetly as it goes deeper into the gravity of the battle and moves it from child's play to a full fledged battle that means life and death ...
It is more complex that the previous ones where a lot many characters are not even introduced, they are just there as either Harry supporters, Minitry suporters or Death eaters ....

It may be frustating for those who have not seen the previous versions as they will face barrage of faces, spells and incidents that they are supposed to know .... Also may be frustating for gals who want to see harry do his tricks, Ron do his goof up and Hermoine act up smarty pants and terrible for those who watch it for Harry and Cho's love affair and kiss... There is nothing to suggest Harry is intrested in CHO except for few lloks, one dialogue and a kiss.....

Those who have read the book may find the movie deviating from the actuals, but would only marvel the way director (and script writers) have adapted the 993 page book to a 2.5 hours movie ...

the few shortcomings of the movie are 1) the fact that it shorplays the Weasleys ... they are a lovable lot and are under utilised.. 2) The fight sequences and the magical mysteries during the climax do not match upto the expectation 3) A few more questions could be raised (like Harry's fathers Bully nature, effect of belatrix's release, safety at Hogwarts and outside that Voldemort is able to acess Harry's thoughts at will etc etc)

All in all a good movie to watch if u follow the series and remember what has happened till now .... and are ready to be set up for what lies ahead........

TDLY: Shifted to the new room and enjoying the emptiness

Friday, July 13, 2007

of the movies and books

Its very interesting debate ... Is reading books better of watching movies (based on these books )better ??? not in terms of time pass or hang out but in terms of understanding the movie/book/plot whatever .....

PPL who cheer for movies say that movies give u visualization, it gives faces to the characters and also gives u an interpretation of the book

PPL who swear by Books say that books give u imagination, it gives you the liberty to give faces to the characters and also lets you make your own interpretation of the book

Heres my take ... Watch movie first and then read the book ....
trust me have done for many books like forest gump, Harry potter etc etc
This has helped me extend the directors visualization and couple it with imagination to get a better picture (literarily and figuratively speaking ). I also realise how pathetic representaion of the book, these movies were ... but then may be i enjoyed the book lot more only due to the fact that i was able to give face to each name....

Anyway cases where i read the book first and then saw the movie (Da vinci code, Day of the jackal) , at all places somehow the movies did not live upto the expectation ....

ps: i know all the cases of option II were mysteries where by reading the book, i had killed all the suspense .. but still i stick to my opinion

ps2: all this started coz i want to finish Harry porter and order of phoenix in 3 days before i watch the movie :)

ps3: this one is just to show like Sony i have 3 PS (play stations)
bad joke

TDLY: Just another day in the office .... started to have open fights with new boss

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

of nothing to write .

Plz refer to my eralier post where i wrote about how Blogging is directly propotional to no work at office .... lets look at the personal aspects...........
1. I blog when i am sad or frustated and use the post as a medium of venting out the frustation ...
2. The only topic i have written about when i am happy is "of nothing, doing nothing etc etc"

So to generalise most people use blog as a medium to express views which are generally sad or shocking and when happy they post garbage :)

TDLY: Started working at TCS Gurgaon, and started to appreciate ki naye boss se "Nahi jamegi "

Monday, June 25, 2007

of employee blogging

It is so interesting to note the direct relation between blogging and having work...... in my case this is absolutely true with follwoing details:
1. If i have nothing to do at office i blog
2. If i have nothing to do at home i sleep
3. If i have read blogs or see some interesting post while working at office i blog
4. If i have lotsa work (which is rarity) to take a break i blog

so if i generalise the whole idea it leads to the following conclusions:

1. All bloggers either have nothing to do, hence they blog
2. All bloggers if have work,they stop their work and blog

hence in all cases blogs reduce employee productivity ... or atleast takes off his mind from work ....
it may be contested that blogging gives the employees much needed break, outlet to vent emotions and post their opinion ... but then why are coffe machines and coffe table gossips for???

TDLY: Finally after a lot of tussel on my location Mumbai as told on thrsday and Delhi as told on monday am off to Delhi .... spent saturday n sunday at home and started for delhi on sunday (25th evening) evening

Thursday, June 21, 2007

of long breaks

It has been 10 days since i wrote and this is mainly due to the followings:

1. Left TCS and was unemployed for a day
2. joined SAP and now am learning SAP ERP product, german culture , language etc etc
3. MOM, dad n veenu met Neha and her family .. all fixed, Roka on 24th
And if all this was not enuff , will be going in for outbound next weekned:) and ofcourse richa, piyush jhaji all in delhi and dont know wether i will be able to meet them or not

TDLY: fed up of induction and working to get the final presentation of ATOS done .... postings (ie department & locations) about to be released and that is the only excitement left in life

Monday, June 11, 2007

of my favourties

i have always used this blog as a medium to vent out my anger and frustation but here is something possitive ... my favourites ....

1. being with Friends and family : it has taken me a while to accpet but the fact is that i am an emotional person who always want to be with his family and friends ...
2. FRIENDS - the televison series: I am a fanatic .. absolutely crazy for the soeries.. the main reason i love it is that each character is so well sketeched out that you can actually predict what his/her reaction to that situation will be ... add to that loads of humur and you have th perfect recipe which EK will nere have :)
3. Food - food is something which cheers me up whenever i am low .. i use food as stress buster, timpeass, mood lifter, pick up line what not
4. Sleep- i can just sleep endlessly hours after hours , in hot blazing condition with just a fan, and all that to attain the state of nirvana:).... i can sleep over any of my problems and wake up all fresh n raring to go ......
5. spending time with neha... latest addition ....but the best one ;)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

of doing nothing ....

Its all very good to stay away from work .. but when u get to do nothing, you really get pissed off..... ofcourse even bad is the case when every1 you know in the office is busy and you have to stay till the end of the day ....

its really sad to come to office (TCS) till i join SAP coz there is no other motivation for me to start for office except to save few hundreds of rupees of notice period shortfall penalty ..

TDLY: nother set of boring inductions and fun with football at night :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

of random thoughts

here are few of my random thoughts :

1. if Radha and Kishan were married to separate people, why do we worship them together .. aren’t we linking wife of one man with another married guy ...
2. What is mood? why does it changes? which part of brain decides the moods or controls them?
3. Why is continuing ones race so important that all animals (man included) always work towards that ? Once you die how does it matter if your race continues or not? Anyways there is theory of evolution to make sure your race will mutate to some other form.... isn’t the need for reproduction (continuity of race ) contradictory to evolution
4. Why do we fear end of earth or civilization ? we all are destined to die so why not all together?
5. Is our life better today than caveman when man had free food, air water and sex?
Hardships have just changed forms but they still exist.
6. why does older generation blames young kids for crowding and over the edge competitiveness.. after all its their generation with 5-10 children each that led to huge population, thus to crowding and over competitiveness....

PS: its not that my mood bad .. am just a bit sleepy :)

TDLY: another day of indcution lectures.... but by this time had formed great bond with my room mate Deepak and had a gang that watched world cup football on giant projector screen and had fun....

Monday, June 4, 2007

of pirates and Gujjar incident

well this weekend i saw "pirates of the caribbian -3" and there were full scale tension between Meenas and Gujjars in northern India - mainly Rajasthan and Haryana.. so here i try to find a few similarities between the two incidents

Setting: growing clout of EIC, worryies pirates as their domain (7 seas) is under threat .. similarly growing demand of Gujjars worries Meenas as their domination in ST is under threat..

result: pirates decide to unite and fight against the EIC , here Meenas unite to quell Gujjar agitation

bystanders: anyone who corses the sea is affected- , here govt property and everyone else is getting affected

missing in action : queen of england and other authorities, here its the govt and intelligent politicians

pissed off: everyone

TDLY: 4th june 06- my first weekend after joining TCS ... left the richess of North point to be at home :)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

of writing blogs n reservation

Generally the topic i write on is not spontaneous but decided by the top news stories / happenings of the previous day.
whichever story moves me becomes the next post ... ofcourse the content is purely spontaneous and my own creation ...

so may be reader (supposing some one does turns up on my blog, and actually reads it ) can identify with previous days major headlines or happenings just by redaing the posts ... of course there are times when i write about things i hate, which shows how my mood was that day ...

or the post titled 'of marriages', which tells the reader that many of my friends are getting married ...

so my blog tells the reader bout my mood, which news affected me and my life and what i think about all these .. which pretty much is the purpose of bloging .. so mission sucessfull,

Also starting today shall put in "this day last year "or TDLY and try to remember what i did last year on the same day ...

TDLY 31 May - 3rd day of induction at TCS, met one of the VPs or fought Ritu Anand for compensation .....

Monday, May 28, 2007

of things i hate

just continuing on my views from the last post where i spit some venom regarding EK & KJ, lemme tell u a few more things connected to entertainment that i hate ...

1 & 2. ofcourse Ek & KJ brand of soaps and movies respectively

3. Shahrukh & Hrithik movies (especially if made by KJ :-)) , just for the reason that both of them play the very so perfect guy, and the movie is sans any logic ... the sweetness of their characters is too much , also is the stupidity
(imagine Hrithik senior is in US for 2 years, he calls his mom, ho tell hism "beta, tum baap banne wale ho !" now if hrithik senior was in US for two years how can he be a father, even though he has super powers.....

4. rahul dravid - the wall , as a one day player (point to note is that i love him as a test match player ) ... the moment india loses 2-3 wickets he very convinently forgets the existence of runs (singles)... what is the use of best technique if you hit straight at fielders and score 1o runs in 35 balls in an ODI

5. Aishwarya rai as the potrayal of ultimate beauty ... shes beautiful but to call her the ultimate beauty .. please there are so many other beautiful and talented actreses... Bipasha for once looked too hot, even for Aishwarya in dhoom 2

6. Himesh as singer/ actor - yes he was good in aashiq banaya, and few other songs, but please no overdose ... and ok for once we shall agree on him singing so many songs but please please please.... dont show him on TV .. why cant we have akshay and Katrina lip singing "humko dewaana kar gaye " on screen, why do we need a bearded , stiff himesh crooning all over .. atleast give our eyes a rest if not ears

just a few things thats i absolutely hate and any one who watches TV / movies with me shall vouch for the vulgar words i have for the above .... then again these are my personal views about these people and the way they titilate my irraitating veins ... (ya the word is titilate )

Sunday, May 27, 2007

of K factors

it was very irritating to watch ekta kapoor in conversation with karan johar on Kofee with Karan ... its not that i am a big fan of kofee but sometimes the guy does gets interesting combination of ppl ... but yesterday it was pathetic .. it was a total arse licking show with EK , KJ and three stooges of EK .. aka Ram koopr, Hiten tejwani and Ronit roy ...

First of all, both EK & KJ take thair audeineces to be fools and dish out highly emotional, non sensical, sans logic, and impractical stories, all cast in great mansion,s filthy richness and slik sarees... and if this not enuff both admire ecah other to the limit of insanity ... ofcourse they do... coz they go to the same numerologist who gave them the fascination with 'K'...

anyway to get three stoges along with the queen was absolute bull shit, coz no employee will say negative of the employer that too on television & on her face .. may be KJ would have been better off with some reality show producor or sidharth bose producer of KBC to tee off with EK..

anyway few intretsing tit bits ..
1. Age of Ba : 200 + years
2. EK doesnt stop those old serials with dragging storyline coz she believes that ppl associated with them will be unepmloyed ... hay whay about employing them in new drag serials of yours...
3. The way the 3 stooges paid regards to the queen when they entered the set
4. EK's rolling of eyes and atitude of "i rule it all"
5. KJ's chanting of i love you and Ek's reply of love you too baby .. it was all too corny
6. the way Ek announced some rahul khandelwal to be an ass, coz he revolted against her
6. ofocurse the way i shifted to Biggest looser watching fat ppl slug it out on treadmills and found it better than Ek-KJ story ...

moral of the story : TV is now used for only english movies, reality shows, cricket, F1, football and most of all for weird animals and insects hunting, mating , and sleeping on Nat geo :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

of personal tolerance

i have talked about how intolerance if growing at macro level for Indian society ... but then each society is made up of people.... so it doe simply that intolerance is also increasing at individual level ....
people are becoming more n more assertive n aggressive .... the time when one used to think twice before uttering words is long gone .. today its all shoot from the heart concept .. some may argue that it is good that no one hides his/her feelings but brings it out in the open .. but for me things are quite a bit different ...

i always believe that every1 has a strong reason to react the way they do ... a person steals for hunger/ need, even kleptomaniacs have urge to do something exciting or own something better or sheer hormonal imbalance that causes them to lift others valuables... the issue is how reasonable we find other person's reasons ....
For Britishers, Indian revolutionaries were terrorists coz they didn’t find the blood shed as reasonable whereas for India, it was quite reasonable ....

All these examples are quite heavy stuff aint it but the fact remains that the moment u place urself in other persons shoes, things become better , at least the gravity of the situation reduces.. ur anger subsides ... works many times for me ...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

of www wars.

its nice to see the internet scene hotting up !!! Microsoft in pursuit of a strategy to stop google , has bid for $50Bn for yahoo .. that is ridiculous amount of money .. i mean if it can spend somuchon yahoo, how much does it expect to earn to have profitable return on investment??? its absurd...

Also google came up with one search where u ger images, pdfs, sites all related to the query rather than searching for them seperately ..
yahoo in its quest is offerings earch from hand held devices... cool isnt it ....

the scene is hotting up .. with lots of moolah for making everyone is aiming for that sweet spot No 1....
Wonder what Altavista, etc are upto?

Monday, May 21, 2007

of being an Indian

last few weeks have been very disturbing for me in terms of the happenings in our country ... read this
1. Reservation politics is at its peak
2. Delhi PM says Biharis should not be coming to Delhi
3. Karnataka bans Women working in night shifts, says Kannadigans hould get preference in IT sector
4. Non Marathi students taking Western Railway exams are beaten up
5. fight between SGPC & Dera groups
6. hue & cry over hindu gal marrying Muslim Guy
7. Pandit performs cleansing at temple post visit of child of hindu male & muslim female (ofcourse this was cited coz the Hindu male was a minister ..)
and the list goes on ...

All these indicate just one major factor.. the social Intolerance brewing in india... at one side the world is becoming one global village with free movement of people across nations (atleast thats the idea)and on other side we are dividing ourselves on basis of region, religion, sex, caste, color, creed etc etc

Yes the politicains are to be blamed for the divide & rule policies but then why are we being lead by them??? every one just shrugs off their shoulder by saying "i am not one of them" but then contributes equally to the cause ...

Here is my two pence on how each one of us is breeding this menace ...
As soon as a baby is born, he or she is given a name.. a name that is a hramless entity but also a surname that divides him/her from other...
The child is knowingly or unknowingly fed that he is different from others in terms of his religion, caste, region etc etc .. i mean look at this .. every child would know that he/she is a Hindu brhamin, not only that but he /she is a koknasth or deshaj or some brahmin, marathi speaking from the Vidarbha or Marathwada region ... or a shia muslim from UP..this would just put in seeds of discrimination in him / her,
No where does a parent instills that the child is an Indian .. the primary fact that will seed tolerance in a child ... Why do we need to tell a child what his region, religion, caste etc is .. if today we refarin from passing this information to next generation probably in 15-20 yeras we will have greater social tolerance ...

Why cant we get away with surnames or have a common surname like 'bharti' or something ..
that will be practically impossible ...isnt it .. to distinguish 1 billion + people on the basis of first name alone....
so heres the idea.. do away with names.. just let every indian have a number .. a 10 or 15 digit number that will be his/her name, ID, social security number, phone number, PAN number, ration card number, Voter Id number... any damn number needed for identification. You punch in your number and all your details are available through the system ... It will require a single databse , will be easy to maintain and will remove the primary source of intolerance .... No classification needed except the fact that you are an Indian with a number tagged to you .. the idea is nascent but cn de devloped for refinement.
It will be a bit distastefull but imagine an India with everyone living in harmony ..

Friday, May 18, 2007

of marriage season...

it has been a marriage dhoom, especially for the MDI 204-06 comunity .. not only many from the batch got married in april, quite a few got hooked up officially .. the dates for next round of mariiages are out !!! it seems dec 2007 - feb 2008 will again be a busy season for marriages ... who knows one of them may be me :)

All this also cropped up the issue of me not in touch with great many of my friends and thus here is a mid year resolution: i will make sincere efforts to stay in touch with my batch mates n friends across all spectrums.. may i have the faith, strength and money to do it

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

of Looks and destiny

Looks Are Destiny: Awesome article courtsey Dilbert blogs

I can often predict a person’s destiny by his or her appearance. For example, if a regular photograph of you looks exactly like a DUI mug shot, the police will eventually arrest you. Here’s a perfect example:>1=7703

I can also tell by your weight whether you are likely to have a job that involves frequent travel on commercial flights. You rarely see obese people flying for business. If you walk down any sidewalk in America, every fourth person is so large he’s keeping an entire village in Pakistan employed just making his pants. But when you board a commercial flight, you rarely see people that large. And if you do, they’re heading to Disneyland.

It’s a similar situation with unusually attractive women. If you see an unusually attractive woman on a commercial flight, she’s either traveling with an unusually attractive lover, or meeting one at the other end. She’s the one touching up her makeup before landing.

People who have bad eyesight when they are kids, including me, rule out all careers that require vigorous physical activity, especially ones involving the outdoors. By the age of eleven I had ruled out football, professional modeling, and the lifeguard arts. I focused my attention on math, and doodling insulting pictures of my peers. I figured one of those two things would pay off.

I also ruled out any profession that involved risking my life to save other people. I ask too many questions for those sorts of jobs. For example, before I rush into a burning building to save someone, I want to know if that person is more deserving of life than me. If not, there’s no point in getting incinerated just to make the world a worse place. Recently I gave a talk to a classroom of 9-year olds. It wasn’t hard to identify the ones who would do a cost-benefit analysis before rushing into the burning building. That shit starts early.

Hair and height are great predictors of future careers. If you’re a guy with a good head of hair, and you’re over 6’4”, you’ll probably have a career in upper management. The universe will also allow you to be an entrepreneur, lawyer, or doctor. You are not allowed to work in a toll booth.

If you’re unusually good looking, you’re not allowed to perform any job that’s unpleasant. The exception is that you can wait tables in a nice restaurant until someone either proposes or offers you a lucrative contract.

Question of the day: Do you look suspiciously similar to other people who have jobs like yours?

ps: why cant i think of such observations

Monday, May 14, 2007

of old memories

yesterday i saw "the wonder years" once again on TV ... its just one of the most awesome shows that makes you nostalgic and revives your memoriesof growing up ... even though it is set in US environment about 90% of the things go similar here also .. i mean just read your following:

1, the way your attitude towards parents changes with age from admiring to irritating..
2. your nervousness in school..gym and history class, lunch breaks
3. your teachers, favourite and dreaded ones.... the way invoulantary smile comes on ur face whe u see ur fav teacher, or hear his/her voice .. the way sometimes ur teachers teach you subtle lessons in life ...
4. your friends... the way sometimes u feel you are way cooler than your best friend and then realize he/she will laways be there for you even when you dont behave well with them

the list is endless, but just watch it at 12:00 midnight on zee cafe and you shall love it ....

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Blogthings ...

just stumbled on to the site ....bizzare n intresting

here it goes..

1. how nerdy are you?

***You Are 8% Nerdy***
You are definitely not nerdy - in fact, you probably don't know any nerds.You probably care a little too much about your image. No one will know if you secretly watch Star Trek reruns!
How Nerdy Are You?

2. Pirate name

Your Pirate Name Is...
Captain Dagger Dan

3. Interpersonal rating

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Score: 69%
Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is High
You have a great understanding of who you are, and your place in the world.You know what path you're on. And you are excited about your future.You're always deepening your inner knowledge and introspection. And enjoying it every step of the way.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

of marriages .. contd...

Ok on a serious note.. its not as easy as i had put it but still its as much funny if you look at it from outside...
the chaos, the frolic, the adventure all is at its peak when the search is going on and even more once a suitable prspect is zeroed in ...
the question still remains .. is there a method in madness... and the answer no one knows...

anyways lets just say if you are the bride or the groom and are looking for arranged marriage, the only thing you can do is trust your intution.. coz that is all that will help you .. In reality a person gets to meet the prospect maximum 2-3 times for about 20 -30 mins each..
after the first meeting itself, the moment you close the door of the car, wave your hand, everyone looks as u as expectantly as the father of a newborn looks at gynac to say " its a boy (or a gal)" .. and in that instant you have to say yes or a no .. if u say "i dont know" it is taken as no .. and "its possitive, or looks good" is taken as yes...

If you are lucky u get another couple of meetings.. in any case how much effort is required for a person to dress his or her best and exhibit best of behaviour (likable by all) for 3 perfomances of 30 mins each???

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

of blogging and marriages

So i start yet again to blog ... for those who didn’t follow my blogs earlier ( : "what the hell brought you to this one?"
What prompted me to reblog : nothing ... just the fact that i read an article on blogging and decided to light the flame gain .. post Nov 22 2006 this is my first blog .. life has taken loads of changes for me but am not complaining ... enjoying every bit ....

OK so i thought of writing about marriages ... and the answer to why this topic is not so tuff as most of the ppl my age (read my batch mates at graduation & post graduation ) are fighting the demons, so here’s my take :

The characters:
The ailing corporation: obviously the guy or the gal whose life suddenly develops faults like loneliness, lack of stability, character & responsibility
The COO: Mom , she is the one coordinating the machinery, trying to bring in the processes and various stakeholders together
The marketing officers: Numerous chachi's mami's cousins etc who like a dedicated field force market the new offering .. As time goes by their interest in the product diminishes and so does the effort
The CFO: your dad, who meekly or sometimes in accordance to the wishes of COO finances the whole operation
External Consultants: the numerous aunties, padosans etc who have gone thru similar exercise for their ward and now advice the COO

Amidst all these there are various forms of marriages which go like as follows:
Arranged marriage or legal obligation: like in case of legal obligations you have to follow the law and go with the person chosen
Love marriage or Strategic alliance: you find our own mate and go ahead with backing of all parties
Love marriage denied to arranged or hostile takeover: the ailing corporation is taken over by the stakeholders and all its decisions nulled and is forced to follow the new policymakers decisions

in all above cases the life is never the same again

(to be continued)